- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
Rajesh Kumar Agrawal
Shri Rajesh K Agrawal is Associate Professor (Selection Grade) in Arun Jaitely National Institute of Financial Management (AJNIFM) of Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Earlier he worked as Director in National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA). Prior to this, he has worked as Faculty (Financial Management) in Institute of Secretariat Training & Management (ISTM) of Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India.
He is an Officer of Indian Cost Accounts Service (ICoAS) of Ministry of Finance, Government of India. He is post-graduate in Commerce. He is also Cost & Management Accountant, MBA in Finance and Law Graduate.
In the overall career of about 36 years, he has served in various Departments/ Ministries of Government of India and in Bharat Electronics, a PSU of Ministry of Defence.
He has been guest/ visiting faculty to number of premier training institutes, including, Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Indian Institute of Public Administration, National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, National Institute of Communication Finance, Institute of Secretariat Training & Management, IGNOU,
He is a Certified Trainer form DoPT and participated in their flagship Training Programmes for Trainers, viz., Management of Training (MoT), Design of Training (DoT) and Direct Trainer’s Skills (DTS). His areas of interest include, GFRs, Public Procurement, Financial Management, Budgeting, Public Private Partnership, Auditing, Contract Management, Arbitration & Negotiations etc. In the area of soft skills, the topics include, Communication Skills, Team Building, Leadership, Inter-Personal Skills, Motivation, Time Management, Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence, Good-Governance, Work-Life-Balance, Conflict Resolution, Managing Change, Presentation Skills, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making, etc.
He has visited length and breadth of the country and also other countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, England, France, Germany and USA.

Financial Management, General Financial Rules, Procurement, Contract Management, Project Appraisal and Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Public Private Partnership, Auditing, Budget Preparation and Implementation, Decision Making, Conflict Management, Stress Management, Communication Skills, Inter-Personal Skills, Motivation, Leadership Skills, Team Building, Time Management, Ethics and Values in Public Service, etc.